Thursday, April 24, 2008

Duplicate Content: The Other Side of SEO

If you are at least a bit aware of SEO, you know that Google penalizes the site's position in search results when it determines that content has been taken from other sites. The higher positions in search engines your site has, the bigger are the odds that the content from your site will be stolen. The reason is simple. High position ranking in search engines increases your site’s visibility on the web. From one side, this is good because your site draws more direct traffic. However, the direct traffic is not always beneficial, for example, when your site is visited by “enemies”, Internet frauds, willing to steal your great ideas.

Why do people steal content?

The most common reason for fraud of such a kind is somebody else’s eagerness to promote their own websites at the cost of somebody else’s hard work. They select your site among other sites in top ten Google results, visit your site, see that it contains interesting and quality content, and want to have the same. They simply duplicate the content from your site and place it on their own website without any changes. The worst variant is when they steal not only the content, but also the layout and design, and also try to duplicate the logo of your company so that it visually looks and sounds the same. Why do something on your own, if everything is already done and is freely available in cyberspace! This is the philosophy of frauds. However, such actions do not bring anything good either to the stealer or to the owner of the original source of content…

The consequences of content duplication: for those who steal and for those from whom it is stolen

The first sign that your content has been stolen is sudden slippage of your positions in Google search results. Since Google doesn't want multiple copies of the same content cluttering their results pages, the system devalues all but one of the copies of the content based on the age of the page. However, even if your domain name is pretty old, you site may be devaluated as well, for example, if the content was stolen and placed on a more trusted web site domain. In this case Google may think that it is you who have stolen the content rather than it has been stolen from you. Also, keep track of the so called “clone” sites appearing on the web – sites with the same design and idea and stolen content. If there are many sites containing your content, the result might be pretty devastating for both, the original and duplicated resources.

How to check for duplicate content

A web master should regularly take some time and check the site for duplicate content. Lucky for us, we have a good resource for monitoring such things. If you suspect that someone has stolen content from your web resource, go to, enter the URL of the page you want to check, and get a list of pages in the Google index that contain text also present on your site. For more detail you can subscribe to their Copysentry service.

What to do if you spotted your content on another web resource?

If you have some concerns that someone has duplicated your content, write to the website owner who has published your content requesting they remove the duplicated text. To add more weight to your request, mention that you will report the matter to Google under their DMCA guidelines. If no measures are taken from their side, report the duplicate content issue to Google under the DMCA guidelines they provide at If nothing else helps, change your text so that it bears no similarity with the duplicated copy or write a better copy. In case with web design and brand fraud, the only way out, if nothing else helps, is complete redesign of your site and filling it with fresh content.


Anonymous said...

You are getting back to SEO, aren't you?! )

Glenn Evans said...

This is really bad habit of copying. Living in Downtown Indianapolis, I noticed that most business people are relying on SEO services (Indiana) because of the great results it gives to their business. An effective marketing strategy, obviously. But it is also important that these SEO (Indianapolis-based) companies value quality works, especially in article writing and other web content ideas. It's advisable to trust only the best SEO service providers these days.

Houston IT Service said...

My take on this is if you can't create unique content, hire someone else who can. A lot of people have invested a lot of dough, and I mean a lot into their sites, and if you're being a cheapskate about it, then you might as well stop thinking about creating one.

Let's say you did take the dark side and spun the top out your contents. Well, a quick Google search of some the phrases in your content will reveal you've spun them. And if normal users can do this easily, please think on how it will be for Google to flag your content.

It's not that hard to market a single unique content.

"Rinse" your website with creatively unique content. Try getting into some "low-hanging fruit" methods that are white hat and quality. Pictographs are all the rage now on line, so try making one.

"Tweet" your content, or leverage in other social medias. This part is a bit tedious, but when done correctly brings n a lot of unique traffic which could possibly lead to conversions if that's what you're after.

And lastly, "repeat" what you've done to your next content.

Simply put it's just Rinse, Tweet, and Repeat.

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