Sunday, December 9, 2007

Why Blogging at all?

Welcome to Olive's blog!
I have recently become a member of the blogosphere, and, now, I am going to spread my ideas about blogging, copywriting and Internet Marketing all over the Web :-) This is a joke, of course. In fact, I just want to share my observations and ideas with all those who are concerned about the same issues that I am.
Well, my professional activity at present is very closely connected with content writing, blogging and to some extent search engine optimization. This blog will help me understand how successful can be a SEO campaign if it is implemented through blogging. Hopefully, I will find a distinct answer to the burning qustion if CONTENT is really the king of SEO, and if so, what type of content (structure, keyword density, quality etc) contributes to the greatest Internet marketing sucess. Stay with me, and let's make this research together, the research that will eventually help us answer the question: Why blogging at all?

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