Friday, February 15, 2008

Copyrighted Words in Copywriting. Continuation

In one of the previous posts we discussed the problem of copyrighted words. Now, that I got more information on this issue, I can share it with you. The fact is that you can't "copyright a name," or anything short like that. Titles usually don't qualify -- but hardly anyone will be able to write a song under the name "Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey." (J.Lennon/P.McCartney)

Even though you can't copyright words, you can trademark them with the purpose of referring them to your brand of a generic type of product or service. Let’s take an "Apple" computer as an example. Apple Computer "owns" that word, even though it is also an ordinary word. At the same time, you can still use this word: apple, I bought apples, apples grow on the trees – just an ordinary word, a notion. Apple Records owns the word when applied to music. Neither owns the word on its own, only in context, and owning a mark doesn't mean complete control. At the same time, you can't use somebody else's trademark in a way that would unfairly hurt the value of the mark, or in a way that might make people confuse you with the real owner of the mark, or which might allow you to profit from the mark's good name. In the case with “hard-to-get”, I presume it is better not to use this word in combination with “tickets”, because this is going to be the context that is a trademark. For more information about copyright myths, go to

Friday, February 8, 2008

Copywriting – a Great Job for a Freelancer

Having worked as Chief copywriter on a full-time basis, I came to conclusion that there can be no better freelance job than a job of a copywriter. I am not Chief copywriter anymore – I quit this job because it began to tire me: writing all the same things on the same topic from day to day and coordinating the work of other copywriters who write the same things from day to day. The job where there is no room for creativity is not for me, that’s the conclusion I have made. The thing is that working as a copywriter full-time, you have no opportunity to choose – you write only what you have to write. In contrast, being a freelance copywriter means having the freedom of choice and being involved in some other activities, which can become a wonderful supplement to your copywriting talent. Besides, freelance copywriting is one of the best careers available to a writer who wants to make a substantial income.

Copywriting is a demanding work, and in comparison to translation activity it is paid more. Copywriting can be lots of fun, provided you can play with words and have the feeling of the language. Of course, you won’t become Bill Gaits with the copywriter’s profits. However, once you have become a copywriter -- then you are ready to start your own direct marketing business and make a BIG BUCKS ;-) Today, with the invasion of the Internet in all spheres of business, a professional copywriter will always be on demand. Copywriting is inseparable part of any marketing strategy. Is there any way to bring your message to the masses without words? There is no way! So go ahead and practice your writing skills. Train your sense of humor. Read more books and broaden your outlook.

If you need a professional freelance copywriter, feel free to contact Olive on Olive's copywriting webspace.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to Install a Wordpress Blog on Your Server?

Wordpress blog creation will take you about 30 minutes. It is not a complicated thing to do provided you follow all the instructions. The whole process consists of several main parts:

1) Wordpress.2.0. installation pack downloading;

2) Wordpress 2.0. installation pack uploading on your own server;

3) My SQL Data base creation;

4) Your Wordpress blog installation and setting up.

Let’s now scrutinize the mentioned above actions step-by-step.

1. You can download a wordpress.2.0. installation pack at

Click on DOWNLOAD.ZIP button and start downloading your wordpress installation pack.

2. As soon as you downloaded the installation pack onto your computer, unzip it with the help of some decoding software like WinRar or WinZip, or any other you will find available to decode zipped files. After that, the next thing to do is to open up the FTP connection for your server

As soon as you get access to your server, open your root directory (meaning the public_html directory) and upload the unzipped wordpress installation pack right into the root dir. (Do not create any subsidiary folders – your wordpress blog should be placed in the root directory to be then available at

We shall now prepare for our My SQL data base creation. For this we need to edit our wp-config-sample.php file. Let’s now make it clear what changes we should make to this file to make our My SQL data base function properly. Look at the content below:

// ** MySQL settings ** //

define('DB_NAME', 'your FTP username_blog'); // The name of the database

define('DB_USER', 'your FTP username_ blog'); // Your MySQL username

define('DB_PASSWORD', 'any password you like'); // ...and password

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value

// You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix

$table_prefix = 'wp_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!

// Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the

// chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.

// For example, install to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to 'de'

// to enable German language support.

define ('WPLANG', '');

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');



Underlined is the info you should change. You see that your database name should consist of your FTP username and any name you like, for example, blog, separated from each other with underscore _ .

Your database username should be the same as your database name (this is important!)

You can choose any password you like. Only, remember it – you will need it soon to create a My SQL database.

After you made the necessary changes to wp-config-sample.php file, rename it into wp-config.php.

3. Now, you are ready to create you’re my SQL database.

The first thing to do in to enter your c-panel, which is available at: As you get in your c-panel, press the “My SQL Databases” button. Remember you edited your wp-config.php file? Now, you will need the information you entered in there to enter into these lines:

New Database: enter the name of your database which follows the second as you entered for your wp-config.php file. Click on Create Database button. Go back.

Then below you’ll see the passage: Current Users. Here you will need the username and password that you used for your wp-config.php file. Your username should coincide with your database name. Click on Create User. Go back. Then, look below: Add Users to Your Databases. Find the User you just created, find the Database you just created and click on Add User to Database.

That’s it. The main thing is to have all the information you enter here identical with the infomation you entered for your wp-config.php file. Otherwise, you’ll get a Wordpress error.

If everything is ok, you can log out and go to - this is the destination of your future blog. If you did everything correctly, you’ll get a message at the top of the window: “It seems like you did not install your wordpress blog yet. Please, try running install.php”. Click on install.php link and it will automatically bring you to

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Censorship Issues

It has always been so that every society has a specific code of rules which is to regulate and moderate the work of the mass media and the sphere of entertainment. Everything in the world tends to be controlled, because it is believed that uncontrollable institutions, to be exact, their unsanctioned actions, can bear an unpredictable character for society as a whole. This is the reason why people all over the world, especially creative and intelligent people, have to deal with such a phenomenon as censorship. In fact, the distinctive feature of censorship is that no matter if people approve of it or, vice versa, strongly object to it, censorship will exist anyway, in a formal or an informal way.

Before speaking about censorship in various spheres of life, let us try to make it clear what censorship is. In other words, we have to give a distinct, true and objective definition to censorship. For that, it might be necessary to trace its history.

In Western Europe censorship was formed in the 15th century. In contrast, Russian censorship is much younger, because it appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. Being regulated by censorial decrees and rules censorship had two forms of control: preliminary and punitive. Punitive form of control implied administrative prosecution of the press, which all would end up in liquidation of certain periodicals or ostracism of their publishers. Defying censorship in the most objective way, it may be said that censorship is a system of state control of the mass media.
By comparison, if one has a goal to make a poll among people on the street to find out what they think of censorship, one will most probably hear that censorship is the suppression of ideas and information that certain persons find objectionable or dangerous. Most people object to censorship by saying that censors want to prejudge material for everyone so that people cannot create their own unbiased opinion of the problem.

Equally important is to understand how censorship happens. Does it have the same punitive character now as some centuries ago, or has it become milder? On the whole, censorship occurs when expressive materials, like books, magazines, films and videos, or works of art, are removed or kept from public access. Individuals and pressure groups identify materials to which they object. Sometimes they succeed in pressuring schools not to use them, libraries not to shelve them, book and video stored not to carry them, publishers not to publish the, and art galleries not to display them. Besides, censorship occurs when materials are restricted to particular audiences, based on their age and other characteristics.

Thus little by little we reached the problem of using censorship for various spheres of life. First, it should be mentioned that the most frequently censored materials are books. Throughout history, books have been challenged for many reasons, including political content, sexual expression, or language offensive to some peoples’ racial, cultural, or ethnic background, gender, or political or religious beliefs. Materials deemed heretical, blasphemous, seditious, obscene, or inappropriate for children have often been censored. Take the case of the Soviet times. During that period myriads of books, which are considered to be masterpieces now, were forbidden for reasons of Soviet ideology. For example, a book by Andrej Platonov “Kotlovan”, devoted to the period of building Socialism which was accompanied by great numbers of victims. There are other examples: Bulgakow’s book “Belaja Gwardija” was considered to be ideologically wrong, because in his book he described “white” officers who, to his mind, were no worse that red ones. However, the most vivid example of censoring books in the Soviet times is a remarkable book by Alexander Solzhenicyn “Archipelag Gulag” dedicated to Stalin’s repressions. In the book the author reveled the most dire and morbid facts of Stalin’s governmental methods, which were absolutely inhumane, violent and brutal. For writing this book, the author was charged with parricide and was expelled from the country.

Nowadays, censorship in this sphere of life, probably, became less strict. However, in bookshops we still cannot find books criticizing the work of our Government, or materials containing any incriminating information on the private life and professional activity of our outstanding political figures.

Of course, if books are censored, it can be assumed that press, television and radio are censored too. The reason is evident. These are the pivotal sources of information for many people in the country. Therefore, you will never find any negative information about the situation in our country in the scripts of our television and radio news. All problems are always covered only from one side – and that is a positive side. It sounds like we do not have any problems in the country at all. In fact, it is all not at all that cloudless as somebody wants us to believe.

Of course, nowadays censorship is applied where there is any hint on criticism of the government and governmental bodies. However, we don’t have to forget that censorship has something to do with combating obscenity and pruriency. With rapid development of telecommunications, the Internet has become the core source of pornography and propaganda of sex for the under-aged. Maybe, censorship can help us to protect our children from seeing something that they are still not ready to see and can damage their young naïve mind? To tell you the truth, censorship is of little help here, because it is assumed that there is such a thing as a healthy interest in sex, which means and adults might need to watch films of this kind as well as have a full right to visit certain pornography web-sites in the Internet. Therefore, we have no right to ban them. Yet, in our country, it happens that what is allowed for adults is allowed for kids, and no censorship will protect a child from obscenity, if at 10 p.m. a 10-year-old kid, having no parents at home, turns a TV-set on and starts watching “The Basic Instinct”. At the same time we cannot fully deny that there are attempts to do something in this concern. For example, to show obscene films late at night when kids are supposed to be in bed, or to ban access to certain porno-sites, but the problem still exists.

Continuing the theme of computer technologies, we cannot but mention video game censorship which has become one of the basic tactics of many developers of video and computer games in the USA. It means that from now on references to smoking or sex in games will have to be removed as well as any offensive content, if a game creator wants his product to be released at all. There have been offered a number of requirements to the games, meeting which the author of a game can be sure that the game will appear in stores. To demonstrate some of them I can mention the following:

The games should not: 1) include sexually suggestive or explicit content including rape or nudity. 2) contain language or depiction which specifically denigrates members of either sex. 3) depict violence 4) depict graphic illustration of death 5) depict domestic violence and abuse 6) reflect ethnic, religious, nationalistic, or sexual stereotypes of language, 7) use profanity or obscenity in any form 8)encourage the use of illegal drugs, alcohol and smoking materials 9) include subliminal political messages or overt political statements. Actually, the same rules are to be followed when creating cartoons and movies for small kids.

Surprisingly, in every country censorship is associated with one particular sphere of life. For instance, in Belarus we most commonly associate it with politics, in Western European countries with politically correct language which would not infringe the rights of women and national minorities, in the USA with combating any racist actions towards black people.

Religion is another sphere of life which should be censored. Religion is something that people have had since long time ago, it is something that they respect and want to keep. For many religion is the holiest thing which they have in life, it is their spiritual value and for some of them a sense of life, but not for all. In this connection, the goal of censorship it to blot out dissident mood in society. Anti-religious booklets are destroyed, people who print them are punished. People who are especially aggressive are sent to prison.

Speaking of other spheres of life, which are censored, censorship of show business cannot go unheeded. Though, I have to admit, it is still very insignificant. The problem is that in our country it is closer to ideology or propaganda. Radio stations should transmit 75% of Belarussian music and Belarussian songs, in their turn, should demonstrate an idea of patriotism. If it were possible, the government would exclude all foreign music from radio broadcast, referring to censorship. In reality, it is not censorship, it is ideology, which sometimes come inseparable from each other. If it were censorship, we would not listen to songs of Russian singers which contain offensive and extremely rude language, we would not be shown video-clips with half-naked women making obscene movements. Judging by all this, we can conclude that censorship has not yet dealt with show-business, and what small kids will not see in forbidden films or in the Internet, they will soon be able to see in absolutely innocent video-clips of, say, Viagra.

Summing up, censorship exists in every sphere which concerns human interests, which can be expressed in sometimes absolutely unnecessary freedom of speech, dissident ideas which people tend to reveal in literature or publicly; peoples’ sometimes rather morbid interest in sex and desire to try everything illegal. In some spheres censorship is necessary and helpful, in some — it is helpful in theory but in practice cannot help, in some — it is rather inhuman and deprives a person of his human rights. Censorship is a very contradictory phenomenon, but, as I have already mentioned, it has one interesting peculiarity: everywhere, where there is upper power, censorship will exist anyway, no matter if people approve of it or object to it. The reason is that censorship is that unique support that any government will always need to strengthen its position.